Boat certificate

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The boat certificate is a document that allows you to rent a sport boat.

Legal basis

In the maritime sector, the legal basis for the boat certificate is the ordinance on the commissioning of pleasure boats and personal watercraft as well as their rental and commercial use in the coastal area (See-Sportbootverordnung - SeeSpbootV)

In the inland area, the legal basis for the boat certificate is the ordinance on the commercial rental of sport boats and their use on inland waterways ( inland shipping-sport boat rental ordinance, BinSch-SportbootVermV)

The boat certificate is issued by the locally responsible water and shipping authority for a period of two years each, or three years for new shipyards. A prerequisite is an inspection during which the hull and equipment are checked from a safety point of view.

Individual evidence

  1. See-Sportbootverordnung - SeeSpbootV
  2. Inland Shipping Sport Boat Rental Ordinance - BinSch SportbootVermV