Fire protection expert

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A fire protection expert is an expert for structural, technical and organizational fire protection . As a rule, he is not concerned with determining the causes of fire.

The area of ​​responsibility consists mainly of advising clients and operators of special structures (e.g. commercial buildings, public buildings, high-rise buildings, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, etc.) as well as preparing fire protection concepts and reports for these buildings.

The terms appraiser and expert are not protected and can therefore be used by anyone.

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK) have taken on the state task of publicly appointing and swearing in experts. This approval process is lengthy, has conditions and documents special expertise. The IHK publishes a list of all publicly appointed and sworn experts (e.g.) on the Internet.

In addition, in some federal states, experts are approved by the upper building supervision , and there are institutes such as B. EIPOS , who train experts and specialist planners.

Individual evidence

  1. IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee : Directory of the publicly appointed and sworn experts .