Mail order

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The mail folder (BO) , also partially automated mail folder (TaBo), is an area in the mail centers of Deutsche Post AG for sorting and stamping mail. The shipments from the crate emptying are roughly separated according to format and machine capability and prepared for further processing.

Format separation

The consignments are transported from the crate emptying to the mail folder via conveyor belts. These are sorted by hand on the format separation tape according to size and format. H. large and maxi letters are separated from standard and compact letters. For this purpose, large and maxi letters are thrown onto a further belt, while the remaining mail items remain on the belt in order to be aligned with machines later for further processing. Large and maxi letters, however, get to the stamping stations via conveyor belts, as these can only be partially canceled by machines.

Stamp places

If consignments cannot be stamped by machine due to their size or weight, this must be done by hand using a roller stamp or hand stamp in the letter folder at the appropriate stamping location. About 1000 items per hour are stamped here per worker and placed on a conveyor belt for further processing and sorting. In addition, the division between large letters (machine editable) and maxi letters (only partially machine editable) takes place here. Standard letters and compact letters are sorted out.

Installation machine and installation spaces

Standard letters and compact letters are set up semi-automatically by the letter erector on the erecting machine (AM). The workers working here also collect sorted out standard letters and compact letters from employees at the stamping stations. In addition, special shipments are set up by hand. Letter stands are available for this. All letters are aligned "stamp on stamp".

Shift work

Like the work in the entire mail center, the mail folder also works in shifts, both on weekdays and on weekends, including Sundays in shifts of around three to six hours. At the end of processing, all mail items from the crate emptying should have gone through the mail folder so that other areas of the mail center can work. Like the work in the entire mail distribution center, work in the mail folder is carried out in working groups, the strength of which varies depending on the size of the mail center. In the size XL mail center, the number of people in the mail folder working group is e.g. B. approx. 15 per shift.


  1. My workplace in the mail folder Information brochure of the Deutsche Post for employees MatNr 672-687-050