Book and media industry - book and press wholesale

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Book and media business - book and press wholesale is an apprenticeship in Austria .


Book and press wholesalers act as an interface between wholesalers and retailers. Books, newspapers or magazines are bought in large numbers by the wholesalers directly from the publishers and then sold in smaller quantities to bookshops and newspaper shops. Book and press wholesalers are in contact with publishers and suppliers. You are responsible for the commercial and organizational aspects of sales: orders, inventory control, dispatch, complaints and returns.


The training lasts three years. It takes place predominantly in the training company and accompanying this in the vocational school , which conveys the theoretical background for practicing the profession.


The following activities must be completed in the workflow:

  • Examination of the need for goods procurement and execution of goods orders
  • Administrative monitoring of goods deliveries
  • Acceptance, control, storage and maintenance of goods
  • Maintenance of publisher contacts
  • Coordination of the deployment of representatives
  • Processing of returned goods
  • Conclusion of contracts
  • Determination of the number of copies for individual sales partners
  • Plan the use of reading copies
  • Customer care
  • Company bookkeeping and cost accounting
  • Management of statistics, files and cards

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