Shide Buddhist nunnery

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First home of the Shide Buddhist Nunnery (2016)

The Buddhist nunnery Shide ( Tib . : zhi bde , "peace and happiness") is the first monastery for nuns in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in Germany. It was founded in autumn 2015 by the association "Buddhist Nonnenkloster Shide eV". In the spring of 2016, the first residential building in Schneverdingen - Lünzen , in the Lüneburg Heath , was ready to move into. A second house and a separate meditation room are planned for the formation of an order of five fully ordained, German-speaking nuns.

The Shide Monastery sees itself as cross-traditional, whereby it is currently particularly close to the Gelug and Drigung Kagyü schools. It takes a contemplative approach that provides space and time for study, meditation, and internalization of Buddhist teachings. The monastic environment creates the framework in which the ordained can exercise the essential elements of religious life (ritual for cleansing and restoring the vows, summer retreat and conclusion of the summer retreat). The ordained spiritual acts are also directed outwards and include a. Prayers for the sick, the deceased and people in need, spiritual advice, guidance in meditation, translations and the filling of statues.


  • Yeshe Metog: Shide Monastery - a place of peace and happiness. First Tibetan Buddhist nunnery in Germany. In: Current Buddhism. No. 2, 2016, pp. 76-77

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