League of Death Singers

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The collar of the dead singer is a medicine League of Iroquois - Indians . The Covenant of Death Singers ceremony is performed for any member who dreams of the restless spirit of a former member, friend or relative. Songs are sung during the ceremony and the great water drum is struck. There is also a feast to satisfy the hungry spirits who are still tied to the earth. The fortune teller of this group can find out the identity of the unknown spirit disturbing the dream of the member. Illnesses caused by evil spirits can be debilitated with this ceremony. The leading official is a woman.


  • Arthur C. Parker: Secret Medicine Societies of the Seneca. In: American Anthropologist. NS Vol. 11, No. 2, April-June 1909, ISSN  0002-7294 , pp. 161-185, JSTOR 659460 .