Federal Association of Screed and Covering

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The Federal Association of Screed and Covering e. V. (BEB) in Troisdorf -Oberlar is an information and communication platform for floor construction companies . Affiliated to the BEB are the Quality Association for Screed and Covering and the Institute for Building Material Testing and Floor Research (IBF).

The BEB is thus part of the organization of the screed and covering industry in Germany, which is essentially based on three pillars:


When District Court Siegburg the first statute in 1933 was registered for the Federation. Historically, what was then the Steinholz specialist association developed into the Federal Screed and Steinholz Association in the 1950s . Finally, in 1962, the name was changed to Bundesverband Estrich und Bodenbeläge. This took into account the technological development after which the full craft “stone wood” was renamed “screed layer”. In the 1970s, there was another renaming due to the merger of various regional technical associations in the screed industry. The “Bundesverband Estrich und Belag e. V. ".

goals and tasks

The purpose of the technical association is to promote and further develop the scientific, technical and economic fundamentals of screed and flooring production and laying. These include the following activities:

  • Regular information of the members about technical developments
  • Publication of worksheets and information sheets
  • Conducting seminars on current topics
  • Advising members on technical issues
  • Promotion of the quality protection of screeds and coverings
  • Representation of the interests of the screed and covering industry in standard committees and
  • Funding of the institute for building material testing and flooring research affiliated with it


With the annual German Screed Award , the Federal Association gives the screed component and the construction companies publicly effective recognition that corresponds to the component. The award takes place on the occasion of the annual joint meeting of the associations involved in soil construction. Companies that have carried out outstanding renovation or modernization work in the screed area can apply for this award.

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