Campaign for Real Education

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The Campaign for Real Education is a non-profit organization based in London . She advocates higher educational standards and more choices for parents in the state education system and informs the general public about the effects of the educational reforms .


It was founded in 1987 by fourteen parents and teachers who were concerned about falling performance standards and, in their opinion, harmful changes in the state education system that had been implemented from above - without the possibility of participation by those concerned. Since then, thousands of parents, teachers and scholars have reached out to the organization with similar concerns. This created a nationwide network of supporters and connections with like-minded people in countries such as the United States , Australia and Switzerland .


In addition to the main goals of raising educational standards and improving choice in the state school, the organization supports the grammar school with its selection principle and deals with topics such as school refusal , low educational and behavioral standards, mismanagement of school funding, and modern teaching methods such as child-centered learning .


Activities include regular newsletters, analyzes and brochures on key educational issues such as reading, spelling , history and teacher training, which are used in professional circles and in educational discussions. Curriculum proposals for the primary level have been drawn up, which are intended to provide the students with the necessary basics for the transition to the secondary level . Seminars and conferences with international experts are organized, new publications of educational literature are viewed and there are adversarial events.

Information and advice

The organization is a point of contact for information and advice for parents, teachers, authorities and the media, where it is often regarded as the “voice of common sense”. The voluntary work of the committee members is professionally recognized and there are regular consultations with parents, teachers, business people, politicians and government agencies.


Web links

Statements in the media (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Yorkshire Post, December 6, 2007: Nick Seaton: Forget all the nonsense and just give us better schools
  2. BBC Two, November 12, 2009: Nick Seaton who chairs the Campaign for Real Education gives his views on 'parent support advisors'