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The Cantiga ( Portuguese "song") is a general name for medieval Galician-Portuguese folk songs and song poems , especially the poems that have survived in the collections of the Cancioneiros around 2000 .

The cantigas are thematically divided into the following genres:

  • cantigas de amor : the lyrical self is a man who loves an unreachable woman and expresses the pain about it in the poems
  • cantigas de amigo : the lyrical I is a woman who sings of her grief over the absence of her lover and her longing for him
  • cantigas de escárnio satirically mock a person without naming them directly
  • cantigas de maldizer like cantigas de escárnio , only much more direct, sometimes with swear words
  • cantigas de Santa Maria are poems of praise to Mary, in which her miracles are praised. The most famous writer of such poems was the King of Castile and León Alfonso the Wise (1221–1284).


Text collections
  • Rip Cohen: 500 cantigas d'amigo: Quinhentas cantigas dámigo. Campo das Letras, Porto 2003, ISBN 972-610-590-0 .
  • Frede Jensen (Ed.): Medieval Galician-Portuguese Poetry. An Anthology. Garland, New York 1992, ISBN 0-8240-7109-3 .
  • Manuel Rodrigues Lapa (ed.): Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer dos cancioneiros medievais galego-portugueses. 3. Edition. Sa da Costa, Lisbon 1995.
  • José Joaquim Nunes: Cantigas d'amigo dos trovadores galego-portugueses. Acompanhada de introdução, comentário, variant, e glossário. 3 vols. Centro do Livro Brasileiro, Lisbon 1973.
  • J. Filgueira Valverde (Ed.): Cantigas de Santa María. Madrid 1985.
  • Richard Zenith: 113 Galician Portuguese troubadour poems. Bilingual with English translation. Carcanet, Manchester 1995, ISBN 1-85754-207-X .