Cheerleading and Cheerdance Association Germany

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Cheerleading and Cheer Performance Association Germany
legal form Registered association
founding 2007

place Frankfurt a. M
President Sabine Lorenz
Vice President (s) Martin Schönhoff, Markus Burmeister
Vice President Romy Möbius
Members 20,100

The Cheerleading and Cheer Performance Association Germany eV (CCVD) was founded in 2007. By 2019 the association had grown to over 20,100 individual members.

As of January 2019, there are 15 regional associations in the federal states that support the members at state level. Some of these state associations are now members of the respective state sports federation. The CCVD has been a full member of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) since December 2018. It is the first organization recognized by the DOSB that is exclusively home to cheerleaders.

Since 2008, German Cheerleading Championships have been held annually in the CCVD , to which one can qualify via state championships and regional championships.

Internationally, the association is organized on a world level in the International Cheer Union (ICU). Since the founding of the CCVD, the association has been sending national teams to the annual World Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, USA. In Europe, the CCVD is a member of the European Cheer Union (ECU), which currently has 43 member nations. In 2014, the CCVD hosted the European Cheerleading Championship, which was held in the Telekom Dome in Bonn with over 2,500 active participants.

The association carries out training courses for trainers on levels C and B, which are based on the requirements of the DOSB. The training of jurors takes place on three levels (C, B, A), whereby judges of the CCVD also take part in further international training courses for jurors by the ICU and ECU.

The sports association attaches particular importance to the grassroots democratic structure, in which the individual clubs also have a say in the highest body, the Bundesverbandstag (BVT), which takes place every two years. In addition, the Federal Main Committee meets once or twice a year, at which all CCVD regional associations and federal committee members come together to agree on the future of the sport of cheerleading in Germany.

In the state associations and in the federal government, efforts are also being made to found the associations' youth organizations. This has now been achieved in the North Rhine-Westphalia regional association. With regard to this point, it must be emphasized that the CCVD has a very young age structure, both in terms of members and in the bodies. Around 80 percent of the association's members are under 18 years of age. This is one of the main reasons why a self-sufficient organization of cheerleaders has only developed in Germany in the last few years. The young sport lacked people who had already ended their active career and could now devote themselves to the association's tasks with their knowledge and wealth of experience.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. CCVS becomes a member of the State Sports Association of Saxony. Cheerleading and Cheerdance Verband Sachsen eV, accessed on August 17, 2017 .
  2. Members. European Cheer Union, accessed on August 17, 2017 .
  3. Technical Committee. Cheerleading and Cheerdance Association Germany, accessed on August 17, 2017 .