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CityCards is a Germany-wide brand for free postcards from the Association of Free Postcard Publishers. V. With around 7000 card displays in 90 cities, CityCards is the market leader in this segment.

After the free postcards appeared in the catering trade in the 1990s, nationwide card manufacturers joined forces in 1998 to form the Association of Free Postcard Publishers. The CityCards with a uniform logo and display were developed as a joint brand .

The approximately 20 members of the association include: Culturtraeger (Halle, Leipzig), Inszene (Saarland, Trier, Kaiserslautern, Luxemburg, Freiburg), Dinamix (Berlin), ExtraCard (Hamburg, Kiel, Lübeck), City News (Erfurt), novum (Hanover, Düsseldorf), Pick Up (Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Munich), Pinax (Rostock), PPM - Perfectly Placed Media (Aachen, Cologne), Publicom (Mannheim, Rhein-Neckar), publicity (Ruhr area), subdesign ( Dresden), Unicards (Bremen), new City media (Braunschweig), afimedia (Magdeburg), Movin (Bielefeld, Münster), LoPo (Kassel), Cartell (Chemnitz, Zwickau), Card Boxx (Karlsruhe), acquiro (Regensburg, Ingolstadt ), MediaCard (Ulm), adtower (Cottbus)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About us at