Ciudad Autónoma

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The Ciudad Autónoma is an autonomous / independent city in Spain .

The two cities of Melilla and Ceuta in North Africa on the border with Morocco have the status of an autonomous city . These are those former plazas de soberanía (sovereign sovereign places) that have a civilian population.

They are directly subordinate to the Spanish government and do not belong to one of the autonomous regions , the sub-national administrative level of Spain . In terms of their competencies, they stand between a municipality and an autonomous region. The special statute passed by the Spanish Cortes (Parliament) in 1995 grants the two cities no legislative competence, but the right to introduce legislative initiatives in the Cortes . The cities belong to the EU and the euro zone .

Both cities also form a NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 level (in addition to the Comunidades autónomas and the Provincias + Islas ).