Commotio labyrinthi

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In concussion labyrinthi (from latin commotio : strong movement, violent vibration) is an inner ear damage (primarily of the maze ) as a result of a blunt head trauma .

root cause

By forwarding the impact energy, a pressure wave occurs in the inner ear system, which has a damaging effect on the sensitive structures. Also, hairline cracks and a bleeding in the maze and / or the cochlea suspected.


Depending on the location of the damage, dizziness (damage to the labyrinth) and / or inner ear hearing loss and tinnitus (damage to the cochlea) are more noticeable. If only the cochlea is affected, it is more likely to be referred to as a commotio cochleae . The commotio labyrinthi can be associated with general symptoms of a concussion .


  • Audiometry
  • Vestibular exams

A perilymph fistula , which can also be the cause of post-traumatic vertigo, should be excluded from the differential diagnosis .


Administration of high dose cortisone, otherwise as with sudden hearing loss


The prognosis depends on the degree of damage. In most cases there is an improvement in the symptoms, especially after severe damage, incomplete restitution or secondary deterioration is conceivable.


  • Achim Franzen: Short textbook ear, nose and throat medicine. 3. Edition. Urban & Fischer, Munich / Jena 2007, ISBN 978-3-437-42961-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AS Whitelaw, I. Young: A case of perilymphatic fistula in blunt head injury . In: Emerg Med J. Band 22 , no. 12 , 2005, p. 921 , doi : 10.1136 / emj.2004.020495 , PMC 1726645 (free full text) - (English).
  2. Hans-Peter Zenner: Practical therapy of ENT diseases . 2nd Edition. Schattauer-Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-7945-2264-4 .