Composers Club

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The CC Composers Club e. V. is the professional association for commissioned composers in Germany. The association provides information about new developments and legal changes as well as news from GEMA ; Current events in the field of film, radio, television, etc. are published in monthly newsletters. The association represents the interests of its members in relation to GEMA and the legislature. As a founding member of the Europe-wide association FFACE (Federation of Film and Audiovisual Composers in Europe), the CC ensures the exchange of experiences, knowledge, knowledge and energy bundling at EU level.


The association was founded in 1989 as "CCC Commercial Composers Club eV" in Hamburg with the aim of creating a lobby for composers of advertising music. Soon members came from all areas of commissioned composition, including film, television, radio, and theater.They were recruited from all musical genres, from jazz to the most varied of contemporary forms of expression, because it turned out that commissioned composers generally have special interests that they would like to have represented by a professional association. In 1999 the "CCC" became the "CC Composers Club eV" in order to take account of the broader range of tasks; For example, general terms and conditions or fee guidelines were drawn up. Membership mailing lists and a forum offer the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas. Here u. a. also discussed questions about GEMA, GVL , artists' social welfare fund and drafting contracts with exploiters.

The CC is a member of the German Music Council and a founding member of the European FFACE (Federation of Film and Audiovisual Composers in Europe) and the ECSA ( European Composer and Songwriter Alliance ).


As a representative of the interests of its members, the CC has four main tasks:

  • Protection and protection of rights

Commissioned composers often find themselves confronted with problems that they can hardly deal with on their own. The forced posting (ZIV for short) of your works by broadcasters or production-own publishers, ghostwriting, demands for free creation of layouts are just a few of them. Here the CC is actively involved in uncovering such business practices; he negotiates to create fair conditions for his members. Partial successes have already been achieved here, especially in the area of ​​ZIV. But also in the interaction between the composer and GEMA, the members have strong representatives who help them to enforce legitimate interests.

  • public relation

The value of music in films, radio plays, theater, series and advertising is inestimable. Yet it is seldom noticed consciously in public. Through various events, e.g. B. in the context of film festivals or media congresses, attention is drawn to the importance of music to the picture and to the art of arousing emotions through composition. If possible, budding and young composers are also given comprehensive information about the job description of the commissioned composer and the difficulties and business dangers involved.

  • European Law

As a founding member of the FFACE (Federation of Film and Audiovisual Composers in Europe), the European association of commissioned composers, the CC is also a member of the European umbrella organization ECSA (European Composer and Songwriter Alliance). This represents all composers in the European Union and is based in Brussels. Here, active lobbying work is carried out in the interests of the authors towards the legislature, the European Commission.

  • Service for members

Every month, more often if necessary, the members are informed of new developments and current events by means of a newsletter. The online magazine “CC illustrated” appears quarterly, in which additional information of general interest is offered. Regional members' meetings are organized twice a year in the six sections Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne / Düsseldorf, Munich and Stuttgart. The nationwide annual general meeting takes place once a year, on the evening before the GEMA general meeting. The CC offers two mailing lists and a website forum for exchanging experiences and opinions. The CC has negotiated special conditions for its members with various providers for the research of past broadcast data. In addition, competent contacts are always available to answer questions from members.

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