Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

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The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is an American foundation from the estate of the hotelier Conrad Nicholson Hilton based in Reno, Nevada, USA. In accordance with the last will of the founder, the foundation supports humanitarian projects that alleviate human suffering.

Foundation assets

In addition to the "Conrad N. Hilton Foundation", there are three other associated foundations:

  • Conrad N. Hilton Fund
  • W. Barron Hilton Charitable Remainder Trust
  • 2006 Barron Hilton Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Total assets are US $ 3.2 billion (as of 2007). This has financed projects worth more than US $ 56 million.

Goals and projects

The foundation takes action on its own initiative for disadvantaged and vulnerable people. She is mainly involved in the following areas:

  • Provision of clean water
  • Treatment and prevention of blindness
  • Housing for the mentally handicapped homeless
  • Worldwide work by Catholic sisters
  • Care and support for small children
  • Addiction prevention
  • Training in hotel and restaurant management

Since 1996, the foundation has awarded the Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize to organizations for special achievements in the humanitarian field.

Web links