Cultura Sparebank

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  Cultura Sparebank
Country NorwayNorway Norway
Seat Oslo
legal form
founding November 16, 1996
Business data 2016
Total assets NOK 836.69 million
Employee 17th
Corporate management

Kjell Fredrik Løvold

The Cultura Sparebank is a Norwegian bank based in Oslo .

The bank is a member of the Norwegian Banks Deposit Protection Fund (Bankenes sikringsfond), which is responsible for deposits up to an amount of 2,000,000 kroner.

In order to become a client of the bank, according to Norwegian banking law, one must have a Norwegian national identity number or D-number issued by the Norwegian tax administration.

The bank's total assets in 2016 were NOK 836.69 million. The bank made a profit of NOK 6.66 million.

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the BIC directory at SWIFT
  2. ^ List of Members. Retrieved January 28, 2018 (UK English).
  3. Deposit Guarantee . In: Bankenes sikringsfond . ( [accessed January 28, 2018]).
  4. About Cultura Bank. Retrieved January 28, 2018 (nb-NO).
  5. CULTURA SPAREBANK (Norway). Accessed January 28, 2018 .