Umbrella Association of North German Sugar Beet Growers

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Dachverband Norddeutscher Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V. (DNZ)
legal form Registered association
founding September 14, 1990
Seat Hanover, Lower Saxony
Chairman Helmut Bleckwenn
Deputy Chairman Eckhard Hinrichs
executive Director Heinrich-Hubertus Helmke
Employee 4th
Branch Agriculture, sugar industry

The Umbrella Association of North German Sugar Beet Growers eV (DNZ) is the joint representation of independent regional sugar beet growers' associations in Northern Germany . He represents the north German producers of sugar beet . The association is based in Hanover.

The nine regional sugar beet growers' associations

From the original 12 founding members, the number rose to 16 in 1998. Today, due to the structural change, there are nine regional sugar beet growers' associations. They in turn represent a total of around 8,000 beet growers.

The member associations are:

  • Anklamer growers' association for sugar beet
  • Güstrower Rübenanbauerverband eV
  • Beet Growers and Shareholders Association North eV
  • Association of sugar beet growers in the Hunte-Weser region
  • Sugar beet growers' association Magdeburg eV
  • Sugar beet growers' association Lower Saxony-Mitte eV
  • Sugar beet growers' association Lower Saxony East eV
  • Sugar Beet Growers Association Schleswig-Holstein eV
  • Sugar Beet Growers Association South Lower Saxony eV

Association area

Association area

The association area extends over the federal states of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and northern Saxony-Anhalt. Here, sugar beet is grown on around 150,000 hectares and processed in six sugar factories. Five of these plants (Clauen, Klein Wanzleben, Nordstemmen, Schladen and Uelzen) belong to Nordzucker AG and one (Anklam) to the Dutch sugar company Suiker Unie Anklam GmbH.

Tasks and goals of the association

Association structure

The main task of the association is to represent the interests of the North German beet growers in national and international organizations in terms of agricultural and sugar policy. Another focus of the association's work is the annual negotiation of producer prices and billing conditions for sugar beet with the sugar-producing company Nordzucker. The most important concern is the sustainable securing of the sugar beet cultivation as a significant source of income for the beet growers.

The goals are in detail:

  • Reliable political framework
  • Fair contract terms
  • Correct quality assessment
  • Highest possible beet prices
  • A successful sugar industry
  • Advanced production processes