Daidōji (clan)

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Daidōji coat of arms

The Daidōji ( Japanese 大道 寺 氏 , Daidōji-shi ) were a family of the Japanese sword nobility ( Buke ), which was derived from the Taira .

Genealogy (selection)

  • Shigetoki (重 時), whose real name was Ise Tarō , lived in the temple Daidō-ji ( Yamashiro Province ) and took over its name in 1471. His younger brother Ise Shinkurō (1432-1519) was named Hōjō Nagauji or Sōun known, namely as the founder of the " Later Hōjō ". Shigetoki benefited from his career.
  • Shigeoki (重 興), Suruga no Kami (駿 河 上), was commissioned by the Hōjō with the administration of Kawagoe Castle .
  • Masashige (政 繫; † 1591), Suruga no Kami, received an income increased to 180,000 Koku . In 1590 he submitted to Maeda Toshiie (1538-1599) and lost his possessions. After conquering Odawara Castle , he committed seppuku in 1591 . The Daidōji lost their status as a princely family.
  • Naoshige (直 重; 1573–1628) received, like his descendants, Hatamoto status. He served under Maeda Toshinaga (1562–1614), Matsudaira Tadayoshi (松 平 忠 吉; 1580–1607) and Tokugawa Yoshinao (徳 川 義 直; 1601–1650) from the Owari line.
  • Shigehisa (重 久) joined Tokugawa Tadateru (松 平 忠輝; 1592–1683).
  • Shigesuke (重 祐; 1639-1730) published some works on Budo .


  • Takahashi, Ken'ichi: 大道 寺 家 . In: Kamon - Hatamoto Hachiman koma. Akita Shoten, 1976.
  • Edmond Papinot: Daidōji, 大道 寺 . In: Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Reprint of the 1910 edition. Tuttle, 1972, ISBN 0-8048-0996-8 .