Darier sign

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positive Darier sign

A positive Darier sign means that mechanical rubbing on a lesion can trigger the formation of a wheal . This simple clinical test is pathognomonic for mastocytoses such as urticaria pigmentosa . The Darier sign can also be positive in mast cell tumors in dogs.


  • Pschyrembel Clinical Dictionary; 260 edition

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfram Sterry: Kurzlehrbuch Dermatologie . Georg Thieme Verlag, March 9, 2011, ISBN 978-3-13-165071-9 , p. 220–.
  2. Bryan E. Anderson: Nice Collection Skin and Appendages . Elsevier Health Sciences, July 15, 2013, ISBN 978-3-437-21605-3 , pp. 117-.