German workers Marseillaise

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The German Workers 'Marseillaise (also known as Wohlan, whoever respects law and truth, after the first line of text ) is a song and was written by Jacob Audorf in 1864 for the General German Workers' Association (ADAV) to the melody of the Marseillaise .

Well, he who respects law and truth,
stand too high by our flag!
Even if the lie still sleeps us,
soon the morning will rise brightly!
It's a hard fight we dare
our enemies are innumerable.
But whether like flames the danger
may strike over us,
do not we fear the enemy,
we stand united in battle!
March, march, march, march
and be it through pain and distress,
for freedom, justice and bread!
Posterity will one day bear witness to us,
the present is already looking at us.
Fresh up, let's start the dance
the ground is also rough and hard.
Close the phalanx in close ranks!
The higher the tide rushes around us,
the more glowing with enthusiasm
to dedicate ourselves to the holy battle,
Come on then, comrades of opinion,
today reaffirms the covenant,
that not the green seeds
perish before the harvest festival,
Has the sower also fallen
the seeds fell in good soil,
but we are left with the bold act
but the deed remains intact,
holy legacy to all.

The refrain was rewritten for the funeral of Ferdinand Lassalle :

We don't count the enemy
not the dangers all!
March, march, march, march
We now follow the bold path,
who led us to Lasalle!

In addition, there are different versions of the text; the author had repeatedly complained that his original text was changed and published in a different form.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of the different text variants: