German Environmental Reporting Award

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The German Chamber of Auditors has been presenting the German Environmental Reporting Award every year since 1998 as a national award for the best environmental and sustainability reporting in Germany. The German competition is part of the European Sustainability Reporting Award (ESRA), in which sustainability reports from 15 countries compete for the award. The aim of both competitions is to promote awareness of companies in the environmental sector and to improve the comparability of environmental and sustainability reports through uniform evaluation criteria.

Both awards were discontinued in 2006.


  • Peter Maxl, David Thorn: Text collection on the auditor regulations. Wirtschaftsprüferordnung, professional statute for auditors / sworn auditors, statutes for quality control, statutes of the Chamber of Auditors, implementing regulations . WPK, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-9810392-0-3 , p. 7

Web links

DURA website