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Dosha or Doscha ( doṣa ) is a central term in Ayurveda , which comes from Sanskrit and literally means "error", but can be translated as "that which can cause problems". The three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha - are mistakenly called life energies. The doshas give people their individual constitution, and they regulate their physical and mental function. Each person is then born with his own constitution ( Prakriti ), i.e. a mixture of the three doshas that is unique to him. This is determined by the constitution of the parents as well as the time of conception and other factors.

The constitution (Prakriti) established at birth represents the individual norm of a balanced state for the respective person. One of the three doshas can definitely predominate, for example with a Vata constitution (see below). Only when the balance of the doshas is imbalanced in relation to the constitution , which can happen through bad habits, wrong nutrition, overwork, etc., does an unnatural, potentially disease-causing condition (Vikriti) arise and one becomes vulnerable.

In Ayurveda, the aim is to maintain the state of Prakriti. In the event of illness, Ayurveda treats the illness with regard to the constitution or an imbalanced Dosha, in such a way that the state of individual equilibrium is restored.

The three doshas


Vata (pronounced Wata ) comes from Sanskrit and means 'air, wind'. It is responsible for all movements in the body, both physical and mental.
Vata stands for the principle of lightness and change. As a cosmic connection it stands for the wind and the basic principle is change. The elements are ether and air and the influences are activity and movement. Vata is cold, flexible, dry, and penetrating.

The Vata type

  • very big or very small
  • slim, thin, delicate
  • elongated face, small eyes
  • irregular teeth and thinner lips
  • light weight and light build
  • dry skin, dry hair, curly hair
  • Veins clearly visible
  • prone to dry skin
  • freezes easily, especially on the hands and feet
  • enthusiastic, mentally very agile
  • does things quickly
  • has an aversion to cold and windy weather
  • irregular feeling of hunger and digestion, tendency to constipation
  • quick comprehension and good short-term memory
  • Tendency to worry and distress, and light and interrupted sleep
  • speaks quickly and often changes the subject
  • can't keep things in and hold out so well
  • promises a lot, but then can't keep
  • has many ideas but only finishes a few


Pitta means "bile" and consists of the element fire. It is responsible for all biochemical activities, including the generation of heat. Pitta is related to the sun and the basic principle is transformation. It affects the metabolism. Pitta is hot and dry.

The Pitta type

  • medium build
  • approaches things at medium speed
  • works very systematically and organized
  • Aversion to heat
  • severe hunger and good digestion, can skip meals
  • medium comprehension and memory
  • good speaker
  • systematically reproduces what has been learned
  • enterprising and brave character
  • Tendency to be impatient and angry
  • precise and exact, tendency to perfection
  • easily excitable
  • prefers cold dishes and cool drinks
  • Tendency to freckles and birthmarks
  • loves staying in nature, sea, mountains
  • has to do sports to feel good
  • high hairline, tends to have a receding hairline and baldness early on


Kapha (pronounced 'Ka-pha') consists of the elements water and earth, the basic principle is inertia. It stands for stability, that which is nourishing, caring, maternal and on a physical level it is responsible for everything solid such as bones, teeth and nails. Kapha is cool.

The Kapha type

  • stable and heavy build, tendency to be overweight
  • great strength and endurance
  • approaches things methodically and slowly
  • Tendency to have smooth and oily skin
  • low feeling of hunger and slow digestion
  • calm and steady personality
  • slow comprehension but good long-term memory
  • deep and long sleep
  • strong, rather dark hair
  • hard to upset
  • stands by his word, stay tuned
  • tends to be melancholy
  • takes things hard
  • tends to moan and does not enjoy moving around

Determination of the individual doshas

Anamnesis in Ayurveda includes determining the current state of the doshas, ​​as many treatments depend on it. The Ayurveda doctor has many options available for this purpose, B. the pulse diagnosis or various information about physique, habits and preferences. A questionnaire is also generally used. There are several such questionnaires on the Internet with automatic evaluation and dosha determination. Such self-tests can reveal trends, but cannot replace professional diagnosis.