Duffy's Irish Catholic Magazine

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Announcement of the first issue of the magazine

Duffy's Irish Catholic Magazine was a monthly magazine published by the Irish publicist James Duffy , which appeared in the years 1846 and 1847 with a total of 23 issues. The magazine joined Duffy's other publications such as Fireside Magazine or Hibernian Magazine , which had a Catholic-national character, but did not achieve the same success as the Dublin Penny Journal or the Irish Penny Journal and therefore mostly only very short-lived were. The Irish Catholic Magazine acquired a special significance due to the high-ranking authors who significantly shaped the Catholic national renewal movement in Ireland. Among them were u. a. the President of St. Patrick's College in Maynooth and Professor of Church History, Charles W. Russell , the founder of the Catholic Young Men's Society and Dean of Limerick , Richard Baptist O'Brien , the Irish poet James Clarence Mangan and the Dublin architect JJ McCarthy , one of the most important representatives of neo-Gothic in Ireland.


  • Robert Welch (Ed.): The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature . Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-19-866158-4 , Duffy, James, pp. 160-161 .
  • Laurel Brake, Marysa Demoor (Ed.): Dictionary of nineteenth-century journalism in Great Britain and Ireland . British Library Publishing Division, 2009, ISBN 0-7123-5039-X , Duffy, James (1809–1871), pp. 184-185 .

Web links

Commons : Duffy's Irish Catholic Magazine  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files


  1. See Welch and Duffy's Irish Catholic magazine. National Library of Ireland, accessed July 25, 2011 .
  2. See Welch and Brake.
  3. ^ MJ Egan: Famous Priest Of Limerick Diocese: Work and Career of Dean O'Brien. (PDF; 1.6 MB) Retrieved July 25, 2011 .
  4. ^ Jeanne Sheehy: JJ McCarthy and the Gothic Revival In Ireland . Ulster Architectural Heritage Society, Belfast 1977, ISBN 0-900457-21-X , pp. 8-9 .