Eesti Raamat

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Eesti Raamat (' Estonian Book') is an Estonian book publisher based in Tallinn .

History of the publisher

After the annexation of Estonia by the Soviet Union in June 1940 and the nationalization of the means of production, there had been a single universal publisher for the entire ESSR book production since 1949 , the "Estonian State Publishing House" ( Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus ). This publisher was renamed Eesti Raamat in 1965 , and at the same time pedagogical, (popular) scientific and non-fiction literature was outsourced to a new publisher called Valgus ('Light'). From now on Eesti Raamat was only responsible for the beautiful literature.

Changes after regaining independence

In contrast to many other Soviet institutions, the publishing house was not closed in 1991, but continued to operate. It has been a GmbH since 1995 . As before, which is fine literature , the main activity of the publisher.

Secondary literature

  • Eesti raamat 1525-1975. Ajalooline ülevaade. Tallinn: Valgus 1978.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti raamat 1525-1975. Ajalooline ülevaade. Tallinn: Valgus 1978, p. 259.