Statement of changes in equity

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Equity changes due to gains and losses, changes in accounting and valuation methods and capital transactions with shareholders. The changes in equity (including changes in equity) shows the changes in a reporting period ( year ). These changes are to be presented separately for the different parts of equity, including a corresponding information from the previous year.

Part of the consolidated financial statements

Since the Accounting Law Reform Act came into force, the equity statement has been a mandatory component of consolidated financial statements in accordance with Section 297 (1) of the German Commercial Code. When the Transparency and Publicity Act ( TransPuG ) came into force , it was mandatory for all capital market-oriented parent companies in accordance with Section 2 of the WpHG. Today it is a mandatory component of the annual financial statements of a capital market-oriented corporation that is not required to prepare consolidated financial statements ( Section 264 (1) sentence 2 HGB).

Statement of changes in equity according to IAS / IFRS

The statement of changes in equity (statement of stockholders' equity) is part of the IAS financial statements , which have been mandatory in the EU since 2005. In accordance with IAS 1 .106 ff., The development within the reporting period must be presented for each component of equity . The equity components, which must be presented separately, include, for example, each category of the contributed capital (nominal capital, capital reserves, etc.), the cumulative balance of each category of other comprehensive income and the retained earnings (IAS 1.108). The total result is to be divided between the share of the owners of the parent company and, if available, the minority interests (IAS 1.106 a). Any changes for previous years that affect equity (e.g. additional results from a tax audit or certain changed accounting methods) must be corrected retrospectively and disclosed (IAS 1.106 b, 1.110). The "actual" changes in the reporting period are to be represented by a reconciliation from the individual components of equity at the beginning of the year to the end of the year, in particular by taking into account profit or loss, components of other income, dividends, contributions and changes in the shareholding for subsidiaries (IAS 1.106 d).