Integration contribution

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As integration contribution participation was in Germany unemployment in certain federal spending for basic security services called. This participation took place under this term in the years 2008 to 2012, in the years 2005 to 2007 the control amount functioned in a similar way .

Integration contribution in detail

Integration contribution
        in € million
2008 5,000
2009 4,866
2010 5,256
2011 4,510
2012 4,227

With the integration contribution, the unemployment insurance is obliged to co-finance half of the federal expenditure for the benefits for integration in work as well as the administrative expenditure for basic security benefits. These expenses were previously financed in full by the federal government. The legal basis is Section 46 (4) SGB II . The federal government's income from the integration contribution amounted to a total of 19,632 million euros in the years 2008 to 2011; in 2012 a further EUR 4,227 million is to be added (see table).


Critics, such as trade unions and employers' associations, point out that the integration contribution would be used to misuse unemployment insurance contributions. It is inadmissible to use unemployment insurance to finance basic security benefits because the federal government is solely responsible for financing such benefits. The integration contribution therefore violates the principle of equivalence and budgetary principles and is to be regarded as an element of unemployment insurance that is not insured. By collecting the integration contribution, the contribution rate for unemployment insurance is 0.55 percentage points higher, which is why the insured under unemployment insurance would be excessively burdened.

In addition, the integration contribution is unconstitutional. In August 2010, however, a constitutional complaint supported by trade unions and employer representatives was not accepted for decision by the Federal Constitutional Court because it was inadmissible. Another lawsuit against the integration contribution supported by trade unions and employer representatives was dismissed by the Federal Social Court in February 2012. The way to the Federal Constitutional Court remained open to the plaintiffs.

Discontinued on January 1, 2013

With the 2013 Budget Act, the integration contribution was abolished on January 1, 2013. At the same time, the federal subsidy for unemployment insurance was canceled.


  1. a b Federal Government: Act on the Approval of the Federal Budget for the Budget Year 2013 (Budget Act 2013) (PDF; 12.1 MB)
  2. FAZ: Employers complain against billions in payments
  3. Karl-Bräuer-Institut: Problematic integration contribution (PDF; 158 kB)
  4. BVerfGE: 1 BvR 2393/08, 1 BvR 2580/08, 1 BvR 2606/08