Recruitment grant for start-ups

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The recruitment subsidy for start-ups was a labor market policy instrument of the Third Book of the Social Security Code , which supported start-ups who were willing to take on the unemployed into permanent employment. It was described in Sections 225 to 228 aF of the Third Book of the Social Code ( SGB ​​III ).

It should support the reintegration of workers with placement barriers into the labor market. The employer had to apply for funding . The prerequisites were, among other things, that the company was founded within 2 years before the employee started working (it must be a start-up) and that no more than 5 employees were employed. It had to be a newly created job. A maximum of 2 employees could be funded. The subsidy was around 50% of the gross wage. The funding period was a maximum of 12 months.

With effect from January 1, 2009, Sections 225-228 SGB III no longer apply (Article 1 No. 42 of the Act on the Realignment of Labor Market Policy Instruments of December 21, 2008, Federal Law Gazette I, pp. 2917, 2924 ).