English for you

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English for you was a program of television of the GDR in the framework of the educational television aired a total of 52 episodes.


On September 4, 1966, the television language course “English for you” went on air for the first time. Pronunciation and grammatical exercises were conducted by native speaker Diana Loeser. In alternation there were scenes with the two actors, Alan Clarke and Valerie Lester, who lived in the GDR as "Tom" and "Peggy". The content was about everyday scenes, but also ideological and propagandistic topics such as the alleged difficulties of trade union activity and social problems in capitalist Great Britain. Twice it was filmed on original locations in London and Coventry .

In 1978 the series was revised. The basic structure was largely retained, but more game scenes have now been shot in Great Britain. Both the editor and the actors have been recruited. While in the first 26 episodes "Mike and Anne" could be seen in each episode, there was a change between "Jeff and Linda" and "Dave and Jenny" in the remaining 26 episodes.

The episodes 1–26 were integrated into the English lessons of the 7th grade at the secondary schools in the GDR, the other episodes were accordingly part of the English lessons in the 8th grade.

Until 1989, outside of holiday periods, each episode was broadcast several times a week in the early afternoon, the time allotted for English lessons in schools. All programs were produced in black and white .


  • Katrin von Maltzahn: English for You . In: Sklaven , 19 (1995), pp. 22-25, online (art project "English for you" with an interview with Alan Clarke), accessed on July 27, 2019
  • Patrick Wagner: English lessons in the GDR as reflected in the textbooks . Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn 2016, ISBN 978-3-7815-2094-3 (also dissertation Augsburg 2013)
  • Alexander-Martin Sardina, "Hello, girls and boys". Foreign language lessons in the Soviet Zone and GDR. Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-941461-28-4 (also dissertation Hamburg 2016), excerpts

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Agency for Civic Education: Educational TV in the GDR , accessed on May 16, 2014