Exploration and pilot group

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The exploration and pilot groups (ErkLoGr) belonged to the leadership in disaster control in accordance with the federal government. So you were part of the civil and civil protection . The reconnaissance and pilot groups served the purpose of exploration and damage assessment for section or operational management (including command staff), reporting ABC and other observations, and briefing other units.

An exploration and pilot group consisted of personnel from a guide, a vice guide, two Erkundern with NCOs qualification and four Kradfahrern / talk radio operators (thickness: 1/3/4/ 8 ). In total, a corresponding group occupied four motorcycles with two sets of two-way radios. The group also had two chemical agent detection equipment, a radiation dosimeter, reporting pouches, telescopes, maps and compasses.

According to the Law for the Reorganization of Civil Protection (ZSNeuOG), this federal concept for an exploration and pilot group no longer exists today.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e BBK / BZS: Units and institutions of management in disaster control. Proof of strength and equipment of the exploration and pilot group (ErkLoGr). STAN no. 103. As of May 1984. (PDF)
  2. see also: Evidence of strength and equipment (STAN) for the units and facilities of disaster control .