Authorized doctor (radiation protection)

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An authorized doctor within the meaning of the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) is a doctor authorized by the competent authority to carry out medical monitoring in accordance with the provisions of the Radiation Protection Ordinance.


The authorized doctor carries out initial examinations, renewed examinations and assessments according to § 77 and § 78 StrlSchV as well as special medical monitoring according to StrlSchV. In the event of increased exposure, he must suggest measures to prevent and avert damage to health. People in whom the lens of the eye is particularly exposed to radiation at the workplace must be examined for the formation of a cataract . In addition, he is obliged to keep a health record in accordance with the provisions of the StrlSchV for every person subject to medical supervision.


In order to be authorized as a doctor, the following requirements must be met: The applicant must perform a practical medical activity that covers the areas and occupational medical content relevant for the authorization and has several years of experience in this area. He must have a valid license to practice medicine. He must have a qualification as a specialist in "occupational medicine" or the additional qualification in "industrial medicine". As a doctor without occupational medical training, a course on occupational medical evaluation of workplaces is necessary. The applicant must declare that he will not examine any persons who are subordinate to them in their capacity as radiation protection officers or radiation protection officers or who are directly dependent on them. In addition, proof of specialist knowledge in radiation protection in accordance with Section 175 (1) sentence 2 StrlSchV must be provided for authorized doctors. The authorization is limited to five years.
