First Novgorod Chronicle

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The First Novgorod Chronicle (Russian : Новгородская первая летопись , abbreviation НПЛ / NPL ) is an Old Russian chronicle from the 14th century. It describes events from the history of Novgorod and the Kievan Rus from 1016 to 1330/52.


The oldest version is contained in the synodal manuscript , the first part of which was created around 1234/60 and the second part around 1330/52. Today it is in the archives of the Moscow State Historical Museum .

There are 3 later versions from the 15th and 16th centuries, some of which provide further information.


The First Novgorod Manuscript reports numerous details from the history of Novgorod that are not contained in any other medieval chronicle.

The version of the compilation from 1095 contains older text elements than in the Nestor Chronicle.


  • Joachim Dietze: The First Novgorod Chronicle according to its oldest editing (synodal manuscript) 1016-1330 / 1352: Edition of the old Russian text and facsimile of the manuscript in reprint . Munich, 1971.


  • Joachim Dietze: Frequency dictionary for the synodal manuscript of the First Novgorod Chronicle . Halle (Saale), 1977