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EuPIA is the European Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers . It was founded in 2003 and is part of the European Association of the Paint, Printing Inks and Artists' Paint Industries (CEPE). EuPIA represents the economic interests of around 80 manufacturers of printing inks and varnishes vis-à-vis political institutions as well as suppliers, customers, science and the media.

The members

EuPIA members are printing ink manufacturers who are also members of the European coating and printing inks association CEPE. Many member companies are medium-sized, although international companies are also members of EuPIA.

The board of directors

The EuPIA board defines the political goals of the association's work. The board consists of managing directors of the member companies elected by the full members. In addition, the national member associations appoint up to four additional board members. The board elects a chairman and his deputy.

The management team

The management team leads the day-to-day business at EuPIA. It consists of the chairman of the board, the deputy chairman and the EuPIA managing director. Special committees and working groups deal with topics such as technology / legislation, public relations and market information.

EuPIA Technical Commission

The EuPIA Technical Commission deals with all issues related to printing ink-specific aspects of technical legislation, i.e. it covers the areas of occupational safety, health and environmental protection. The commission also deals with the implementation of REACh in the printing ink industry and participates in the organization of printing ink-related standardization projects.

The Technical Commission has two subordinate working groups:

Operational Safety and Risk Assessment (OSRA) - Occupational safety and risk assessment -

OSRA is developing guidelines for the safe manufacture and development of printing inks with the aim of preventing accidents.


Labeling and Safety Data Sheet (LSDS) - Marking and Safety Data Sheets -

The main task of the LSDS group is to develop guidelines for the classification and labeling of printing inks in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Technical Committee "Printing Ink for Food Packaging (PIFOOD) - Technical Commission" Printing Inks for Food Packaging "

PIFOOD deals with all aspects of the development and manufacture of printing inks that come onto the market specifically for food packaging. Here, industry-internal guidelines and position papers are created that refer to existing or planned laws on food packaging. In addition, the commission maintains contact with customers and supplier associations. PIFOOD is responsible for constantly updating the inventory list of raw materials and materials used for food packaging.


Communications Working Group (CommWG) - Communication Working Group -

EuPIA's public relations work is coordinated by the Comm WG.

Market data

EuPIA Statistics Working Group (ESWG) - EuPIA Statistics Working Group -

The ESWG is responsible for collecting appropriate market information on the printing ink industry.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. EuPIA members. Retrieved December 20, 2018 .