European Institute of Oncology

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The European Institute of Oncology (Italian Istituto Europeo di Oncologia - IEO ) is an Italian cancer research and treatment center based in Milan . It was founded in 1994 as a privately financed, not-for-profit institute, at the suggestion of the well-known doctor and later Italian health minister Umberto Veronesi (deceased in 2016), who also took the position of research director. It is one of around 15-17 Italian Comprehensive Cancer Centers (roughly "comprehensive cancer center"; the term is not protected, the assignment varies). The ESMO has taken him in its list of certified cancer centers.

Like other CCCs, the IEO operates in three areas, namely patient care, research, and education. In 2011, 271 doctors worked there. The clinical departments are divided into operative, non-operative, diagnostic and preventive areas. Around 39,000 patients are treated and around 12,000 operations are performed each year. In an international comparison, this corresponds to an average center size.


The legal form SRL corresponds to a German GmbH. At the top is a board of directors with (February 2019) Carlo Cimbri , the head of one of the insurance companies involved, as president. Mauro Melis heads the day-to-day business. The scientific director is the radio-oncologist Roberto Orecchia , the medical director of the hygiene specialist Fabrizio Mastrilli . The shareholders are 14 predominantly Italian companies such as UniCredit Group, Mediobanca, Allianz, Generali and Pirelli. The nominal equity is stated at € 80 million.


The research area includes experimental oncology as well as epidemiology and biostatistics. An annual research report provides information on both overall and individual performance. In 2013, 350 scientific papers were published with a cumulative impact factor of 2459.

Web links


  1. Italian Cancer Organizations and Resources | CancerIndex. Retrieved February 25, 2019 .
  2. Paolo De Paoli, Gennaro Ciliberto, Manlio Ferrarini, PierGiuseppe Pelicci, Paolo Dellabona: Alliance Against Cancer, the network of Italian cancer centers bridging research and care . In: Journal of Translational Medicine . tape 13 , no. December 1 , 2015, ISSN  1479-5876 , doi : 10.1186 / s12967-015-0711-x ( [accessed February 25, 2019]).
  3. European Institute of Oncology, Italy | ESMO. Retrieved February 25, 2019 .
  4. IEO, 10. January 2012: Quality Report 2011.
  5. ^ Carlo Cimbri | UnipolSai | Corporate website. Retrieved February 25, 2019 .
  6. Struttura societaria - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia. Retrieved February 25, 2019 .
  7. IEO (May 2014): Science Report 2013 - Ongoing Science 2014. (PDF)