Exit Tax

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An exit tax is a tax that is levied when a natural or legal person leaves an investment vehicle and / or a jurisdiction . Most of the time this tax is aimed at sanctioning tax income drain, but in the case of REITs it was used to encourage the sale of private real estate.


  • In Germany, an exit tax on real estate investment trusts (REIT) was introduced from 2007 to 2009 .
  • Companies that want to relocate relevant parts of the company abroad or expand new production facilities abroad based on experience and intangible assets can also fall under the exit tax requirements.
  • Even if natural persons move their place of residence, some countries levy a corresponding tax on the assets of those who want to leave the country.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Exit Tax - What was the background for the introduction of Exit Tax in Germany?
  2. ^ Exit Taxes and Europe - Publications - Eversheds International