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Explorix is a questionnaire designed for the training and career planning of apprentices, technical students, high school students or adults. It is used for career guidance . The German language Explorix is ​​based on the instrument "SDS Self-Directed Search" by John L. Holland , which was published in 1978 in the USA . The purpose of the procedure is to show the participants an expanded range of professional choices. At the same time, the process helps to focus on an individually adapted section of the professional world. The Explorix can be carried out, evaluated and interpreted both online and in paper form by the participants themselves, which requires a certain degree of independence and a confident use of the German language.

Theoretical background

John Holland's career choice and career theory provides the theoretical background for the Explorix process. Accordingly, career decisions are no coincidence, but depend heavily on the personality of an individual. Holland sees interests in certain professions as components of personality. Against this background, six different personality types are postulated. Analogous to these personality types, according to Holland's theory, professional environments can be classified in the same way, which is based on the fact that certain personality types and environmental conditions dominate in certain environments.

Six dimensions from John Holland

According to Holland's RIASEC model, the six personality types or types of work environments are as follows:

The type R (“realistic”) stands for a craft-technical orientation. People of this type can be found, for example, in the trades, technology and agriculture.

Type I ("investigative") describes a type with preferences in the investigative or research area. The preoccupation with intellectual or scientific questions attracts people of this type, who are mainly found in the fields of science and research.

The professional areas of art, music, theater or journalism are the type A ("artistic") profession . Typical characteristics of this type are an artistic disposition, the need for creative expression and a preference for dealing with language .

People who prefer to be involved in social , educating or caring activities are to be assigned to type S (“social”). Typical areas in which type S people work are therefore education / school, counseling or healthcare.

Type E ("enterprising") suits people with an entrepreneurial spirit. People who like to organize, lead or sell can mainly be found in the areas of management or sales.

Finally, based on the are type C ( "Conventional") are those individuals described, which ordering or managed are tasks. The preference for neat, accurate and well-organized work suggests office or counter occupations.

Editing of the test book

Explorix participants are guided through the entire filling process using instructions. At the beginning there are a few open questions. This is followed by three sub-tests, each asking eleven to fourteen questions about the personality types mentioned above. A so-called dichotomous answer format is used in these subtests, which means that there are only two alternative answers per question (namely “yes” or “no” or “like” or “reluctant”). In the final sub-test, participants are asked to submit self-assessments on a seven-point skill scale.

Feedback of the results

By means of simple additions, a participant can independently determine a personal overall code. This overall code contains three letters sorted according to the strength of the expression, each of which stands for one of the six types described above. For example, if the most points were collected in the subtests for types A, E and C (in this order), the personal code "A, E, C" results in this case. You can now look up which professions are assigned to this code in an enclosed professional register. For the code “A, E, C”, for example, the professions advertising copywriter, photo reporter or stage painter are named. The professional register also provides information on the educational path for each professional title (e.g. for the profession of stage painter, the educational path “company apprenticeship training” is specified).

The processing of the Explorix is ​​not completed with the result confirmation. This is followed by some important information on planning and carrying out “next steps” to secure the professional decision.


  • J. Holland: SDS - Self Directed Search. Psychological Assessment Resources, Odessa, FL 1994. (Original: 1978)
  • S. Joerin, F. Stoll, C. Bergmann, F. Eder: Explorix ® - the tool for career choice and career advice . Huber, Bern 2002.
  • W. Sarges, H. Wottawa: Handbook of economic psychological test procedures. 2nd Edition. Pabst, Lengerich 2004.

Web links

  • [1] Official German Explorix website of the Hogrefe publishing group with information and the option of online implementation