Faddeeva function

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The Faddeeva function (also Kramp function or relativistic plasma dispersion function ) is a scaled complex complementary error function ,

It is related to the Fresnel integrals , the Dawson integrals and the Voigt profile . The function is named after Vera Nikolaevna Faddejewa .


The function was tabulated in 1954 by Vera Faddejewa and Terentjew. It appears as a nameless function in the standard work by Abramowitz-Stegun (1964), Formula 7.1.3. The name Faddeeva function appears to have been introduced by Poppe and Wijers in 1990.


  • W. Gautschi ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (1969?): ACM Algorithmus 363.
  • W. Gautschi SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 7: 187 (1970).
  • GPM Poppe, CMJ Wijers, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 16, 38-46 (1990): ACM Algorithm 680.
  • JAC Weideman, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 31, 1497-1518 (1994): Particularly compact algorithm in 8 lines Matlab.
  • MR Zaghloul and AN Ali, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 38, 15 (2011): ACM Algorithm 916.
  • SM Abrarov and BM Quine, Appl. Math. Comp. 218: 1894-1902 (2011).
  • SM Abrarov and BM Quine, Arxiv, Preprint 2012


Steven G. Johnson has published a free and open software implementation based on a combination of Algorithms 680 and 916. It is based on the function scipy.special.wofzin the Python SciPy library , and it is also available in the form of a C library libcerf .


  1. UN Faddeeva, NN Terent'ev: Tables of values of the function for complex argument. Gosud. Izdat. Teh.-Teor. Lit. , Moscow, 1954; English transl., Pergamon Press, New York, 1961.
  2. Google Scholar Research according to Engl. Wikipedia.
  3. ^ Faddeeva Package , under MIT license .
  4. http://apps.jcns.fz-juelich.de/libcerf