Case definition

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In epidemiology, a case definition is a summary of typical symptoms and criteria for a disease that enables it to be differentiated from other diseases. Case definitions can include clinical symptoms, serological or laboratory test results and also epidemiological criteria such as travel activity, contact persons or geographical distribution. The case definition can define the suspected case, probable case and confirmed case.

Case definitions provide the starting point for clinical trials and disease surveillance by public health institutions. A case definition is particularly established when monitoring infectious diseases , usually by a panel of experts. Various statutory reporting obligations for illnesses (suspicion, illness or death) are linked to case definitions. Since the case definitions are also subject to the changing possibilities of the examination methods, they are not regulated by law, but are subject to ordinances that must be constantly checked in the event of a reporting obligation.


  • H. Hahn, D. Falke, SHE Kaufmann, U. Ullmann: Medical microbiology and infectious diseases . 5th edition, Heidelberg 2005, p. 146 ISBN 3-540-21971-4
  • A. Krämer, R. Reintjes: Infection epidemiology . Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2003, pp. 103 and 143f ISBN 3-540-42764-3