Force fit game

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The force-fit game is a problem-solving method that can be assigned to the intuitive methods of creativity techniques.
The alienation of a problem through its connection with arbitrary terms, the competition between two teams or small groups and a certain time pressure serve as a means of developing ideas.

Rules and implementation


  • The creativity team is divided into two teams and appoints a referee.
  • From an arbitrarily named term of team A, team B should derive a solution within a certain period of time. If this succeeds, team B receives one point, if it does not succeed, team A receives one point.
  • The referee decides on the acceptance or rejection of a solution and thus on the awarding of points.
  • Time: approx. 20–35 minutes
  • Participants: from 7 people (3 people per team + 1 referee)
  • Material:
    • Blackboard, flipchart or pin board including moderation material
    • Clock


  1. Problem definition and problem clarification
  2. Reformulating the problem
  3. Division of the creativity team into two equally strong teams and appointment of an arbitrator who also takes on the task of keeping the minutes
  4. Team A names a noun that has as little to do with the problem to be solved. Team B then develops an idea for a solution within 2 minutes. If team B succeeds in finding a solution that is accepted by the referee in the given time, it receives a point and can now name a term that team A serves as a starting point for developing a solution. If team B does not succeed in finding a solution within the given time or if the referee rejects the approach, team A receives a point and names a new term.
  5. The referee decides whether a suggested solution is suitable or not. He oversees and directs the game, which shouldn't exceed half an hour.
  6. The solution ideas developed in the Force Fit game are then critically reflected upon by the entire creativity group and further developed together.


  • The alienation through terms as far away from the problem as possible increases the flow of associations within the team, stimulates new solutions and promotes and develops lateral thinking.
  • Competitive character can lead to fun and positive motivation when developing ideas.


  • Given the given time pressure, obvious approaches are often sought instead of original ideas.
  • Competition can mean that scoring points is more important than generating good ideas.
  • The function of the referee is often difficult, since the evaluation of the solution approaches can usually not be based on objective criteria.


  • Nöllke, M. (2015): Creativity Techniques . 7th edition, Freiburg im Breisgau: Haufe-Lexware, p. 78f.
  • Knieß, M. (2006): Creativity Techniques. Munich: dtv, 118f.
  • Wack, OG; Detlinger, G .; Grothoff, H. (1993): Everyone can be creative. Creativity techniques for leaders of project groups, work teams, workshops and seminars; a problem solving guide. Hamburg: Windmühle, pp. 98-102.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wack, OG; Detlinger, G .; Grothoff, H. (1993): Everyone can be creative. Creativity techniques for leaders of project groups, work teams, workshops and seminars; a problem solving guide. Hamburg: Windmühle, p. 98.