Freedom of the Austrian Teachers' Association

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The Freedom Austrian Teachers 'Association was founded in 1953 and is the umbrella organization for all Freedom Teachers' Associations in the federal states.

General teachers' associations in Austria


Teachers' associations have existed in Austria since the middle of the 19th century and serve to enable teachers to have a say in the school system. They were initially tailored to a school type or subject and pursued educational and political issues. At the end of the 19th century, the emerging big parties began to infiltrate the apolitical, mostly liberal-national teachers' associations, initially those of elementary and middle school teachers, or to found their own associations.

1. Republic and National Socialism

In the first republic, most teachers' associations were already close to a party without always expressing this in the association name. Even in the compulsory organization "Association of German-Austrian Middle School Teachers" (V. d. M.), party politics gradually penetrated, and union goals were increasingly pursued. Between 1934 and 1938 professional corporations took over the agendas of the partially disbanded teachers 'associations, between 1938 and 1945 the "National Socialist Teachers' Union" (NSLB) was the only authorized professional representation.

2nd republic

In the 2nd republic, the teachers' associations were reorganized, but could no longer achieve their former importance, as the federal government only accepted the ÖGB ( Figl Decree , 1946) as a negotiating partner in matters of employment and salary law. The staff councils set up since 1967 also curtailed the teaching associations' scope for action.

The most important teachers' associations are currently: Catholic Teachers' Association Austria (founded in 1893) with largely independent regional associations, Socialist Teachers' Association Austria (1945) with regional associations and the Freedom Austrian Teachers' Association (1953) with its teachers' associations in the federal states.


The Austrian Freedom Teachers Association represents teachers with a free and independent spirit. The association is committed to the FPÖ , but is neither part of the party nor dependent on it. No party membership is associated with membership of the FLV or one of the affiliated state teachers' associations.

Tasks of the teachers' association

  • Advising the federal and state parties on educational policy issues
  • Professional promotion and professional representation of the members
  • Promote camaraderie among members


  • Freedom teachers association of Lower Austria
  • Freedom Teachers Association Upper Austria (founded 1869)
  • Freedom State Teachers' Association Salzburg (founded 1952)
  • Freedom teachers association in Vienna
  • Freedom teachers association Styria
  • Educational association for independent and liberal teachers in Carinthia (founded in 2015)
  • Freedom teachers association Tyrol

In Burgenland and Vorarlberg there are only contact persons and no independent associations.

In the elections for staff representatives, the Freedom Teachers Association appears under the name "Free Teachers" in order to address independent candidates and voters.

Web links