GARCH models

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GARCH models (GARCH, acronym for: G eneralized A uto R egressive C onditional H eteroscedasticity , German generalized autoregressive conditional Heteroscedasticity ) or generalized autoregressive models conditional Heteroscedasticity or generalized auto-regressive due heteroscedastic time series models are stochastic models for time series analysis , which is a generalization the ARCH models ( a uto r egressive c onditional h eteroscedasticity ) are. They are used, for example, in econometrics to analyze the returns on stock prices to model volatility clustering . GARCH models were developed by Tim Bollerslev in 1986 based on the ARCH model by Robert F. Engle (1982).


A time series is called a GARCH ( p , q ) time series if it is defined recursively by

where are real, nonnegative parameters with and , and the process consists of independent identically distributed random variables with and .

In a GARCH model, the conditional variance of depends on its own past and the past of the time series.



T-GARCH models are not real GARCH models, but generalize them as follows:
With a given probability p, e.g. B. p = 0.999, they correspond to the "normal" GARCH and with probability 1-p a predetermined value. With these non-linear models, for example, stock market crashes or the like can be simulated.


In 2004 Claudia Klüppelberg , Alexander Lindner and Ross Maller presented a continuous expansion of the time-discrete GARCH (1,1) process. You start with the GARCH (1,1) equations

and formally replaces the independently identically distributed random variables with the infinitesimal increments of a Lévy process and their squares with the increments , where

the purely discontinuous part of the quadratic variation process of is. So you get the system

of stochastic differential equations , whereby the positive parameters , and from , and can be determined. If one has now an initial condition given, the above system has a path as a unique solution , which then as COGARCH model ( co ntinuous-time GARCH is called).


  • T. Bollerslev: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity. In: Journal of Econometrics. Vol. 31, No. 3, 1986, pp. 307-327, doi: 10.1016 / 0304-4076 (86) 90063-1 .
  • J. Franke, W. Härdle, CM Hafner: Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-76269-0 .


  1. Jens-Peter Kreiß, Georg Neuhaus: Introduction to time series analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 3-540-25628-8 , p. 298f.
  2. Dissertation on T-GARCH
  3. C. Klüppelberg, A. Lindner, R. Maller: A continuous-time GARCH process driven by a Lévy process: stationarity and second-order behavior . In: Journal of Applied Probability . tape 41 , no. 3 , 2004, p. 601-622 , doi : 10.1239 / jap / 1091543413 .