GEOnet Names Server

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The GEOnet Names Server is a database of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA; German  National Agency for Geographical Reconnaissance ) of the armed forces of the USA .


The database is free to use and can be used for both military and civil purposes. In this way , the geographic coordinates of the earth can be assigned to the data in the CIA World Factbook and drawn in electronic map material.

As part of third-party projects, it is possible to download a limited GIS database. These are zip-compressed, tab-separated text files, with the entire database containing over 10 million entries from around six million names and territories outside the United States, including their geographic coordinates, type, administrative assignment and size information. The fields can easily be read into a relational database system .

The accuracy of the data is limited; most of it is rounded to the nearest arc minute . The description at the NGA itself says that it is only approximate information that should be used to locate the objects. The coordinate system is based on WGS84 , which is also used for GPS .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GEOnet Names Server on, accessed March 5, 2014.