Garbage in, garbage out

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Garbage In, Garbage Out ( GIGO for short ) is a joke phrase from computer science that says that a computer has a high probability (but not necessarily) of producing invalid or meaningless output if the input is invalid or not meaningful. It is usually used to indicate that computers cannot distinguish correct or meaningful entries from incorrect or meaningless ones on their own. The term probably originated as a corruption of First In - First Out (FIFO).


Garbage In, Garbage Out also describes a reproach against the meta-analysis , especially in its early phase, when indiscriminately “good” and “bad” work are included in the analysis and mixed up.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. John D. Clark : Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants . Rutgers University Press, 1972, ISBN 0-8135-0725-1 , p. 97.