Casual job

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With casual job ( Anglizismus : opportunity and "Job") refers to an occasional pursuit of a professional activity for the purpose of earning money.

Occasionally in this context means a temporary job (e.g .: vacation job ) or work carried out at irregular intervals (e.g .: student job ).

As a result of this definition, odd jobs , unlike part-time jobs , do not require a full-time job on the part of the person, but are not in conflict with it. The essential allocation criterion is the irregularity . Typical odd jobs are activities such as babysitting, tutoring or temporary work. In common parlance, however, the terms are also used synonymously .

From a legal point of view, such jobs are treated in the same way as part-time jobs, especially since the law does not recognize the term.


The term odd job (plural odd jobs ) was not listed in Duden until 2006. From 2006 the term was first included in the Duden with "casual work", as the Anglicism "casual job" at that time only in connection with a newly established job exchange for part-time jobs (in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency) under the name was used in electronic communication. In 2007, the term was editorially included and listed in the Duden due to the frequency of search queries on the Internet and increased anglicisms such as "mini job" or "sliding zone job".


  1. Summer jobs are only occasional jobs if they are very limited in time, as can be assumed, for example, in the case of a one-week employment as part of a festival
  2. Student jobs are not automatically casual jobs, but can also take the form of full-time or part-time employment.