Gustav Siegfried 1

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Gustav Siegfried 1 was the code name of a British propaganda transmitter , which was one of the most famous camouflage transmitters of the Second World War , along with the Calais military transmitter .

It broadcast on shortwave from May 23, 1941 to November 18, 1943 . A total of 693 programs were broadcast in German. The station posed as the organ of a German resistance group , a "patriotic opposition".

Journalist Sefton Delmer

The operator was Sefton Delmer , a British journalist born in Germany and a prominent correspondent for the Daily Express since 1928 . During the attack on Poland and in the French campaign , he was its war correspondent . From 1941 to 1945 he headed the organization and management of British war propaganda against the Axis powers on behalf of the Foreign Office .


  • Christian Zentner (Ed.): The Second World War. A lexicon. Tosa, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-85492-818-1 .
  • Conrad Pütter: Radio against the "Third Reich". German-language radio activities in exile 1933–1945. A manual (= radio studies. Vol. 3). Saur, Munich et al. 1986, ISBN 3-598-10470-7 .
  • Erich Kästner : The blue book (= Marbacher magazine. 111/112). Edited by Ulrich von Bülow and Silke Becker. Transferred from Gabelsberger's shorthand by Herbert Tauer. Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, Marbach am Neckar 2006, ISBN 3-937384-20-0 , entry from July 26, 1941.