H0H 0H0

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H0H 0H0 is a postal code of the Canadian Post Office that has been able to address letters for Santa Claus since 1982 . Its structure follows the usual Canadian postal code scheme, which consists of a sequence "letter - number - letter - number - letter - number". The first combination of three in this system is used for the supraregional allocation of a mail item, the second combination of three for local delivery. The letter "H" in the first place is assigned to the Montreal metropolitan area . The code "H0H 0H0", an allusion to the traditional exclamation "Ho Ho Ho!" By Santa Claus in North America, is an exception to this system. The address of Santa Claus is used by the Canadian Post

Santa claus

North Pole H0H 0H0


(English) or

Père Noël

Pôle Nord H0H 0H0


(French) indicated. The own postal code ensures that no consignment addressed to Santa Claus is lost regardless of the language or other information in the address. The Canadian Post receives around one million items per year addressed to this code. The total number of shipments since 1982 is over ten million. Around 15,000 voluntary Swiss Post employees ensure that each of these letters is answered in the language in which it was written.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Seen episode Who knows that something on October 7, 19 11:15