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Hadad-yis'i (Assyrian: Adad-it'i ) was Assyrian governor in the vassal state of Bit-Bahiani in the 9th or 8th century BC and at the same time king of its capital Guzana . Already one father, Šamaš-nuri , was in Assyrian service, where he lived in 866 BC. BC even became a limmu official. A life-size basalt statue of Hadad-yis'i has been preserved, which was found on Tell Fecheriye in 1979 . According to a bilingual Aramaic / Assyrian inscription, it was consecrated to the local weather god Adad and is now in the National Museum in Damascus .


  • Abou Assaf et al., La Statue de Tell Fekheriye et son inscription bi-lingue assyro-araméenne , Paris 1982.

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