Henry Webber

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Logo of the British abolitionists by Henry Webber around 1790. Medallion from the Wedgwood porcelain manufacturer.

Henry Webber (* 1754 in Bern ; † 1826) was an English sculptor and designer of Swiss origin. He is the brother of Cook's expedition painter John Webber .

Born in Bern as the son of the sculptor Abraham Wäber, he learned in his father's workshop after his family emigrated to London . He designed u. a. the replica of the antique Portland vase that made the porcelain manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood famous. Influenced by the stories of his brother, he was committed to the abolition of slavery and designed the symbol of the abolitionists , the medallion with the chained African slave .


  • William Hauptman: Henry Webber and Johann Friedrich Funk: observations on two portraits by John Webber . Journal for Swiss Archeology and Art History, Vol. 56 (1999) doi : 10.5169 / seals-169563
  • Lukas Hartmann: Until the End of the Seas (biography John Webber), p. 476-483 (descriptions of persons). Diogenes-Verlag, Zurich 2009