Hermannus de Hoyshusen

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Hermannus de Hoyshusen , service designation proconsul , was mayor of the city of Brilon from 1290 to 1291.

He placed on November 5, 1290 as mayor (Proconsul) together with the council members (consules oppidi) Walbertus de Buhren, Godefridus de Ledercke, Hermannus filius (son of) Wezzeli, Theodorus Sartor, Ioannes Sartor, Gerlacus de Hallenberg, Gerlacus strengus (called ) Stollemann, Henricus dictus Volinpiper, Gerhardus dictus Goldener, Theodoricus filius Weremari and Godefridus de Henelare , the conditions under which shopkeepers, cloth shears and tailors can be accepted into the brotherhood of furriers.

In city feuds, the mayor was in charge of the city's armed forces, and he had the right to pardon harsh convictions by the city court for criminal offenses . He could pardon the death penalty .


  • StA (City Archives) Brilon Certificate (German)


  • 750 years city of Brilon 1220 to 1970, publisher city of Brilon, print Walter Hemming, Brilon

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Bruns, inventory of the Brilon City Archives, inventory A, 1970, on behalf of the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association, Verlag Aschendorff Münster, page 4