Cutting maturity

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The term cutting maturity , maturity in situ , blow maturity (locally also Haubarkeit or Austria felling maturity ) in the designated forestry achieving an economic goal, after the harvesting is initiated.

The term can refer to a stand or a single tree. In the latter case, the tree is usually ready for cutting when the tree has reached a certain diameter. This diameter is also called the target strength or target diameter and can vary depending on the tree species and economic objective.

Stands are said to be ready for cutting when the members of the stand (trees) have achieved a certain strength on average and the expected composition of varieties corresponds to the forestry objective.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gerhard Stinglwagner, Ilse Haseder, Reinhold Erlbeck: The cosmos forest and forest lexicon . 4th edition. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2009, p. 793. ISBN 3-440-12160-7 .