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As a survivor of the will in legal parlance SGB VI former spouse or registered partner denotes a deceased person. The term thus goes beyond that of the widower or widow .

In the usual use of the German language, other persons closely related to the deceased ( Section 1589 BGB ) or by marriage ( Section 1590 BGB) are referred to as surviving dependents; the term largely corresponds to that of the relative , but with the special feature that in the case of the status of a survivor, the person referred to has died. Unmarried partners are also included in common parlance.

In the area of ​​the survivor's pension (widow's and orphan's pension ), the group of people connected by marriage or civil partnership or close blood relatives has been expanded to include a social relationship in the area of ​​orphan's pension. So it is possible that, in addition to their own (usually minors) children, stepchildren and grandchildren or foster children can also receive an orphan's pension. Prerequisite: the named child must have been permanently accepted into the household of the deceased (and in the case of the stepchild, the deceased must also have provided for most of the maintenance ).

See also

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Wiktionary: bereaved  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations